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心动修复 第73节(2 / 2)

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好书推荐: 错撩反派大佬后我飞升了 郎心易变 满级卷王退休后教书爆红 獠牙(姐弟骨科h) 白羊(校园1v1) 他好大呀!(1v1,sc,he,体型差糙汉) 不可动心(高H) 穿孔 耳音 白桃(父女h)

the closer the closer, the hotter the temperture. when su y039s hnd ws pletely held by l qg xu, her hert jumped volently. she felt the huge, hot throb of her hnd, whch, lke her own hert, throbbed nd throbbed.

bby, move. l qg xu lened on su y039s er, swllowed slv, dm039s pple rollg up nd down. her soft grp mde hm feel unfortble. desre, red devour hs reson, he g nd g pecked su y hs bee crmson erlobe.

l qg xu s frd of su y039s wst bck wthout support, hnd hold her wst, lps lger her corbone neck, let the other hnd wth su y039s smll hnd cton.

su y039s br from the hot, hs bee nk, cn only llow l qg xu wth her cton.

the feelg of lttle wrkly, ves cler, one hnd cn not hold, wth the blood of the feversh betg response, let su y overwheld.

l qg xu let go of hs hnd, let su y chncl cton, feelg su y soft boneless hnd wrpped, the hert ws gretly stsfed.

hs bony hnd lso begn to trverse the mounts nd rvers, ptg the brnches nd tomtoes seen the chu mnson tody. on the whte nd clen drwg pper, he took lttle red, wth the brghtness nd sweetness of persmmons, to soothe hs long-mssed soul.

don039t know how long t took, so long tht su y039s wrst ws lredy pntothenc cd, nd he ws lredy swetg, so long tht even l qgxu felt lttle unberble, nd flly took su y039s hnd to ct.

yy, mss you so much. l qgxu bured hs hed nd sghed muffled su y039s er, relesg hs desre.


su y039s pjms were drk blue, but t ths t they were sted wth the mlk tht l qgxu ccdentlly splled, spotted, nd ddn039t see t.

when su y c to her senses, she only sw l qgxu holdg her hnd nd wshg the sk next to her, the wter ws wrm, flowg through the plm of su y039s hot hnd, lke cold wter, mkg her slghtly sober.

whle l qgxu ws wpg her clothes, su y nced t the mrror, t ws good not to look t t, the people the mrror mde her feel lttle strnge. pr of prcot eyes re flled wth mst, dzzlg eyes lke slk, nd cheeks re crmson, whch cn hook people to ther herts.

cn039t wpe t off, or do you chnge t? l qgxu looked t the mlk sts on su y039s drk blue pjms, wped them wth wet tssue, but there were stll trces, nd she couldn039t wpe them off, nd the wet pper towel wet her pjms nd clged to su y039s body, brgg out the rc.

无任何不良影响,审核大大f**k nd s**t,天天开心~

l qgxu039s eyes bec deep g, the thck k swept round, the dm039s pple rolled up nd down, nd the les were beutful nd net.


039ll get you dress nd rest erly. l qgxu touched the bck of su y039s hed, nd hs movents were gentle.

fter spekg, he let out breth, wlked out to get nother nghtdress for su y, nd wlked to see su y stll sttg on the sk wth cute fce, hs fce ws crmson, hs lps were red s f he ws drppg blood, nd pr of eyes looked t hm pure nd lustful.

the cty wll, whch he hd been ntlly prepred for long t, copsed n stnt, nd copsed.

he lowered hs hed nd chuckled, hnded the nghtdress to su y039s hnd, nd looked t her wth pr of eyes hookg nd strghtforwrd: cn chnge t myself? wnt to help you? ”

no, no need, 039ll chnge t myself. lthough her md s chotc, su y039s sxth sense s womn t ths t tells her tht f l qgxu s chnged, she my not be ble to wer ths dress tonght.

su y grbbed the nghtdress hs hnd nd looked t l qgxu, hs voce ws lttle embrrssed.

t039ste, re you sleepy?

well, sleepy.

not sleepy t ll. l qgxu sd hs hert.

he knew tht tody ws lredy bg step for su y, besdes, the two hd just been together, nd they hd done ths, but he ws stll frd tht su y would regret t f he couldn039t slow down, so he restred hmself from dog thest step.

039ll go bc□□t. l qgxu took su y down from the sk, put her on the bed, nd covered her wth qult, you chnge the bed, don039t get cold. ”

039m levg, bby, l qgxu closed hs eyes nd kssed su y039s forehed, hs voce ws soft nd hs movents were gentle, good nght. ”

good nght. su y whspered response. when he opened hs eyes, he sw l qgxu wlkg out nd closg the door.

lyg down, retrctg to the bed, pullg the qult up over hs hed, su y ws bt of trnce. she thought bck to everythg tht hd just hppened, thought of l qgxu039s gsp her er, thought of l qgxu039s zg, nd thought of the hevy nd hot hertbet of the two.

she ws embrrssed, the whole person curled up, rched on the pllow few ts, nd ccdentlly rubbed her pjms to her chest.

su y ftly slled ft sll, she thought of sothg, nd put her hnd front of her nose to gently sll the s tste. t cn039t sll bd, but t s not s good s the ebony frgrnce on l qgxu039s body, obvously l qgxu hs gone out, but she feels tht l qgxu039s trces nd sll re everywhere.

fter beg stuffy the bed for long t, su y quckly poked hs hed out of the bed, chnged the pjms on hs body, chnged to nghtdress, turned off the lght g, ndy down.

the room ws drk, there ws no lght outsde, the room ws wrm, nd the bed ws soft nd fortble, gvg su y sutble envronnt for sleepg, but she couldn039t sleep lttle.

pr of prcot eyes lt up, nd he stll reclled the scene just now hs md. fct, t ws lttle vgue, becuse they were lredy confused t tht t, where do they rember so much, but su y stll couldn039t help but thk bout t.

别一天到晚锁锁锁,没事多吃溜溜梅(天天开心哦,我亲爱的b***h审核大人)。龙腾小说 ltxsba @ gmail.com






he thought bck to su y, thought of the drk blue pjms tht were splled wth mlk, thought of su y039s pure eyes, thought of gentle nd gentle touches, thought of soft nd boneless hnds, thought of undtg mounts, nd fllg red persmmons.

flly, when the entre bthroom ws flled wth wter mst, l qgxu snorted nd ws flly relesed.

the groggy, drowsy nd confusg nght hs flly pssed.




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